Comfort Cat is a New York City-based singer-songwriter who plays the guitarlele (six-stringed tenor ukulele), backed by Jason Laney on keys and Dan Veksler on bass/guitar. Miracle Jones has described them as “music that simultaneously abrades and soothes the soul” and “punk-by-way-of-the-divine.” They have also been called “cat punk” and “chaos music.”
About Comfort Cat
Comfort Cat is a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter based in Staten Island. She primarily performs with a guitarlele, a six-stringed instrument with the same intervals as a guitar but tuned up by a perfect fourth. Her main instrument is the violin though she dabbles in several others.
Cat has an ambiguous gender identity and no strong pronoun preferences.
Comfort Cat lives on the North Shore of Staten Island with her real cat, Jack. She is also a teaching artist and cat sitter.
Comfort Cat Manifesto:
Comfort Cat will not help you grow, learn, or become a better person. It operates with zero perspective, zero compassion for those that wrong you, even less for those that you’ve wronged, and no room for nuance until it dies no wiser, no smarter, no closer to any brand of enlightenment than it ever was before. Comfort Cat bestows favor upon people without regard for their questionable morals or bad taste. Comfort Cat may also change its mind for any reason or no reason, without prior written notice, and adheres to no moral code of man.
About Jack: Jack was most likely born in the summer of 2017 somewhere on Staten Island. He now resides in the great indoors, only venturing outdoors equipped with a leash and harness. He enjoys basking in the morning sun, sleeping, and being comfortable.